Photo Artist

PhotoArtist, Ph.D(High Energy Physics), Associate Member of Kokuga Sosaku Kyokai
I want to draw a world of light and shadow by making full use of a tool called a digital camera and image editing software.
愛知県名古屋市在住 Photo Artist 理学博士(専攻:高エネルギー物理学)
美術団体 国画会準会員(写真部)、江口愼一写真楽園、富士通写真部「クラブf」
1958年 岐阜県多治見市生まれ
1986年 名古屋大学大学院理学部にて博士号取得、某IT企業にITエンジニアとして就職
2008年 マクロレンズ(タム9)を入手、暈けの美しさに魅了されマクロの世界へ
2016年 第90回国展に初応募初入選
2018年 定年を期に仕事は一切辞め写真に専念、マクロ表現によるPhoto Artistを目指す
Neutral Density Photography Awardsに入選(Honorable Mention)
2019年 International Photography Awardsに入選(Honorable Mention)
2021年 ブログ「一日一接」(を開始 Tokyo International Foto Awardsにて銅賞受賞
2022年 The 2022 European Photography Awardsにて金賞受賞
New York Photography Awards 2022にて金賞受賞
2023年 第97回国展にて会友賞受賞
MUSE Photography Awards 2023にてプラチナ賞受賞
2024年 第98回国展にて入賞し準会員推挙
・Nov 18-24, 2022 "Beauty is in the Details" MasaOHASHI Photo Exhibition @ FujiFilm PhotoSalon Nagoya
New York Photography Awards 2022, Gold Winner, Category:Nature
European Photograohy Awards 2022, Gold Winner, Category:Nature
Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021, Brobze Winner, Category:Science
Honorable mention in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2021, Fine art: abstract category
NOMINEE in the 7th edition of Fine Art Photography Awards, 2021
Honorable mention in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2020, Fine art: abstract category
NOMINEE in the 6th edition of Fine Art Photography Awards, 2020
Honorable Mention in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2019, Fine Art: Conceptual Category
NOMINEE in the 5th edition of Fine Art Photography Awards, 2019
Honorable Mention in IPA 2019, Fine Art : Abstract
NOMINEE in the 4th edition of Fine Art Photography Awards, 2018
Honorable Mention in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2018, Fine Art: Abstract Category